Internships & Staff

Do you believe that our light can outshine the darkness? Would you love to be part of a community of people transforming their neighborhood through simple yet profound acts of love and kindness? Would you love to live in a mansion full of people who are passionately pursuing their faith and exploring their future? 

The heart of the Love the Hill Summer Program is to give interns & staff an opportunity to apply their faith through serving, working, and living in community. This is a one-month practicum designed to push you to your limits in serving others as well as learning to enjoy the moment! This practical approach to neighborhood transformation takes place within the neighborhood you serve day in and day out. This is an amazing chance to grow in your own personal life while being trained and developing leadership skills to take what you've learned to your own neighborhood. The objectives of the Love the Hill Summer Program are to experience:

  • A deepening of your faith and its application to real-life impact
  • A lifestyle of prayer and justice
  • Community-living as a means for personal wholeness
  • Growth in problem solving and self-leadership development
  • Hands-on service to the marginalized and vulnerable living within Allison Hill
  • Life at The Mansion and an immersion into our culture and values

Summer Program Description: The basic schedule will be working and leading volunteer teams out in the neighborhood from 9am-4pm Monday-Thursday and Saturday. Each evening will be comprised of team activities, teachings, evangelism or worship & prayer. Friday or Saturday (depending on your role) will be a free day and Sunday will be free until family dinner around 6 pm where we will regroup for the following week. The basic work day will include leading teams, working with them on the specific block for the week, and getting to know the neighbors.

*The cost for the summer program will cover lodging, supplies, and food for lunch and dinner Monday-Thursday and Saturday, as well as Sunday night. The rest of the meals (all breakfasts, all day Friday, and lunch Sunday) will be on your own.

Paid Summer Staff Opportunities: 

We are also looking for staff members ages 18+ who will be willing to commit to work alongside us leading teams and our programs for the summer.  We are specifically looking for staff who have skills in the following areas:

  • Moderate experience leading and directing teens & adults
  • Hardworking individuals with a heart to serve

We are also looking for people who have skills in the folowing areas:

  • Landscaping/Basic Carpentry Experience 
  • Experience driving a trailer
  • Cooking & Organizing Meals for large groups of people 
  • Administrative Experience for planning & leading events
  • Worship Leading

Current Positions Open:
Teen Program Director, Kitchen Overseer, Landscaping Manager, Team Leaders