
Love the Hill is an inner-city initiative of Wildheart for one of Harrisburg's most needy neighborhoods, Allison Hill. Planted in the heart of Allison Hill, we are committed to living alongside those in desperate need of real love and comfort while empowering one another to meet those needs. 

Why Allison Hill?

On any given day you may see a woman pushing her youngest child around in the stroller while frantically struggling to keep her curious toddler close to her side. What you may not know (or see) is that she, among most women in our neighborhood are facing life's greatest challenge- being a single mother. The children she's caring for are accustomed to a life far below the poverty line. And despite her hard work and efforts, she still makes less money than the overwhelming majority of Americans. Still others are trapped within the cycles of poverty, violence and brokenness, hopelessly waiting for their "big break" or even just a friendly conversation. Behind every face is a story, and within every story is a longing. There is a desire to be loved and celebrated, known and cherished. This is why we Love the Hill!     

What does Love look like?

  • Quarterly Block Parties & Community Rallies
  • Community-Wide Worship Nights (Mondays at the Mansion)
  • Bi-Weekly Food Distribution (Made possible by Life Seeds International)
  • Cleaning the Streets and Maintaining Surrounding Areas
  • Installing Art for Boarding Up Abandoned Buildings and Preventing Illegal Dump Sites
  • Network of Community Gardens to Promote Health and Nutrition

What has Love done for Allison Hill?

Since we first moved into the neighborhood in 2013, we have seen ministries, organizations, businesses and residents coming together in unprecedented ways to collaborate for the vision of community transformation. When we arrived on the scene, Harrisburg was listed among the Top 10 Murder Capitals in the US, as well as ranking 25th on America's Most Dangerous Cities. Because of the grassroots movement we helped facilitate through Love the Hill,  the story of our neighborhood is taking a dramatic shift from crime, violence and despair into possibility, potential and hope. Our eyes and ears are now greeted by a hopeful spirit, a true homage to those persevering through the decades, holding on to the future of Allison Hill. We really feel that we have some of the best neighbors love can find!

Wildheart Ministries is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization, in good standing since its inception in 2016. For those inquiring about tax-deductible donations or to conduct further research of our organizational health and performance, our FEIN is 81-2194708. Within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, we also have licensure to operate under the name "Love the Hill" as many have known us by within the community.   

Click HERE to see more information about Wildheart and ways to partner with us!