Wildheart has an established relationship and history within the community of Allison Hill. After serving the residents of Harrisburg’s most disdavantaged community for nearly a decade, leadership sought out sustainable practices that would effectively turn the tide on generational issues that have plagued this area of the city without much progress, specifically blight and the lack of quality, affordable housing solutions.
In step with the genesis of Wildheart’s formation, the Harrisburg Community Development Corporation (HCDC) was formed in 2023 after residents inquired of Wildheart’s leadership to provide solutions for the deteriorating housing market within Allison Hill. The HCDC was formed to serve as a vehicle for both community and economic development that would create affordable housing solutions, accessible retail spaces to a diverse and emerging market and promote holistic change in the neighborhood guided by resident engagement and built for resident empowerment. We believe that the future of Allison Hill is bright, and that overdue investment and economic relief can be realized through leveraging the relationships built through the past successes of Wildheart’s efforts within the area.
HCDC’s area of focus will be within the Allison Hill Community.This area of Harrisburg is home to 16.917 residents* of the City of Harrisburg, making up nearly 34% of the total population. Allison Hill Is located entirely within Zip Code 17104 and also encompasses Census Tract 213, the poorest and most ethnically diverse CT within the City of Harrisburg. The total area of Allison Hill is less than 1/10 of the total City land area, resulting in an unusually high population density for the availability of housing inventory. *US Census Data from 2020.
The need for a greater inventory of quality, affordable housing was first formally identified in a crowd-sourced plan involving over 700 residents by Tri County Commuity Action called “The Heart of The Hill” In 2015. This plan has served as a guidepost for several Wildheart initiatives and strategies through the years. Since the plan was published, there have been small development efforts collectively providing only a dozen or more units available for rent, with some restricted to program-specific use, all provided as rentals.