Prayer Room

Perhaps the central tenet to the way we live, make decisions, dream for The Hill and grow together as a community - prayer. We spend hours each week praying with one another, for one another, and for the wisdom to know how to love those living among us in The Hill in a way that is LIFE-CHANGING! Prayer is such a big deal to the way we do life that we reserved a whole room for it. John Wesley was quoted as saying, "I believe that God will do nothing in the earth except through believing prayer." We have committed to BELIEVING EVERY PROMISE that the Lord has made to our City, and this room is the birthplace of vision, wisdom and passion to see those promises fulfilled.


As owners of the historic Stamm Mansion, we want to steward this beautiful property with care and wisdom ensuring that it is safe, functional and efficient. This room is devoted to covering the different needs we have in order to maintain and improve the house and property. We kind of live in an ongoing project because the house is older; however, we've listed some of the more pressing needs, as well as opportunities to continue to steward a "homey" environment.

We've broken our needs down into three categories: Health & Wellness (H&W), Efficiency (EFY) and Beauty (BTY).