If this is your first time visiting the Wildheart Ministries website, we wanted to extend a BIG WELCOME!!
You'll find that there are several things happening here, and we want to encourage you to have fun "clicking around" and discovering all that we are up to. To summarize what you'll find, we have three main opportunities to connect with us: Love the Hill, BurnWagon and School of the Heart. All three of these are unique experiences that we feel have been given to us from the Lord; however, each of them weave together perfectly to make up the whole picture of who we are - the burning DNA we carry in our hearts!
If you'd like to stay connected with us and receive updates about future events, activities or announcements, scroll to the bottom of your screen (yes, the one you're staring at!) and you'll find you can enter your e-mail address to subscribe to our update list. It's that simple.
Thanks for making time to visit our site, and we look forward to hearing from you!
Tannon & Cristina Herman
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