
Wildheart Ministries is located in the heart of Allison Hill, an underserved neighborhood within Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The founders of Wildheart, Tannon and Cristina Herman, moved into the Allison Hill Community in the fall of 2013. After living there for a few years, getting connected with other neighbors and discovering the needs of the community Wildheart was founded in April 2016 in an effort to promote awareness of the issues within the neighborhood and rally individuals, the public and private sectors to participate in meeting those needs. Since 2017, Wildheart has been instrumental in advancing revitalization efforts within Allison Hill by forming strategic partnerships within the community and championing the cause for transformation in the Hill. 

Wildheart provides service and opportunities for those who desire to impact their community and see their city transformed through acts of kindness and meaningful service. Since it’s launch in 2017, volunteers, residents and the local government have been working together to “Love the Hill” and make tangible change by mobilizing over 13,254 volunteers to remove over 3 MILLION pounds of trash within 136 city blocks, affecting 2692 families (8890 individuals) and reducing crime by nearly 50%!  Among the many issues faced by residents of the community, we are proud to have made such a significant difference, and we are also now also addressing food security and affordable housing by opening The Hill Farm and initiating the process of restoring and rehabilitating properties through the HCDC that have been a blight for decades. 

Wildheart Ministries is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization, in good standing since its inception in 2016. For those inquiring about tax-deductible donations or to conduct further research of our organizational health and performance, our FEIN is 81-2194708. Within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, we also have licensure to operate under the name "Love the Hill" as many have known us by within the community.