Karen Ackley

Karen Ackley is a follower of Jesus, a wife, and a mother of 4 boys.
Karen and her husband are both impact driven entrepreneurs who own and operate Next Door Photos Susquehanna Valley, a real estate media company that sees business as a sustainable way to fight against poverty. Through Next Door Photos unique international partnerships, they have the opportunity to transform lives globally through providing sustainable jobs for individuals rescued from human trafficking, at risk of exploitation, or in underemployed areas of the world. Karen and her husband find joy seeing God’s Kingdom advanced through business.
Along with this opportunity for global impact, Karen also enjoys serving locally. She has served on staff at West Shore Free Church as the Children’s Ministry Volunteer Coordinator, and currently volunteers regularly teaching in the Awesome Adventure classrooms Sunday mornings. Since the onset of her membership with the Greater Harrisburg Association of Realtors®, Karen has actively participated in as many of their local service opportunities (Realtors® Reach Out) as possible and always looks forward to and welcomes moments to serve alongside co-workers, business owners, family members, and friends.
Karen has a deep desire to leave the world better than she found it.